choirThe Monache High School choir ensembles are performing at the First United Methodist Church. The choirs are really excited for this performance and even for the rehearsal. The concert starts at 7 p.m. and is on Friday April 5th. It features the Concert and Chamber choirs as well as for the first time ever, the Glee, Bass Clef, and Treble choirs.

The choirs will be singing their CMEA festival music featuring Ave Maria, In Monte Olivetti, and the African American spiritual Hold On from the Treble choir as well as soloists from Bass Clef, and Treble choirs. “I am incredibly excited for the city of Porterville to hear the hard work of the students reflected in their performance.” said Mr. Sutherland the choir director. After the performances the school will be serving several desserts hence the name “Dessert Concert”. The students performing in the concert have worked very hard and have spent a great deal of time preparing these songs to share with everyone.

Some of the songs are very difficult including some A Capella songs and songs with very high notes that can strain your vocal chords if you try to sing them without proper warm ups and rehearsal. If you are looking for a treat or an exciting way to spend your Friday night come to the First United Methodist Church at 7 to support the Monache Choirs in their final performance before the big Spring Concert in May.